Price & Delivery Charges

With the exception of goods referred to in clause
The price of the goods will be as quoted on the web site at the time you confirm your order subject only to any inadvertent technical error for which we will not be liable. If you subsequently amend your order to add items, the prices charged will be those applicable to the new item(s) at the time that the amended order is confirmed. Please note that as promotions are offered for a limited period of time subsequent amendments to your order may mean that certain promotions are no longer being offered

Where items are ordered and sold individually by weight will be the price on the date that they are weighed. Although we have an indicative weight guide on the website, this is merely to assist your planning and the price you will be charged is the price for the actual weight you receive. In the event that there is a change in the price/kg between the time your order is made and the time the item is weighed and priced by the supplier, the price you will be charged will be the price at the time the item is weighed

Where applicable, prices include Gross and service tax (GST)
Each order you make will not include delivery charges free of charge
If your order weighs more than 10kg and reside out of Delhi then we reserve the right to contact you with a bespoke delivery charge
Methods of Payments

Payment may be made by debit or credit card.
The debit, credit and charge cards accepted by us are those listed on the web site on the date on which your order is placed
Authority for payment will be requested from your card issuer at the time of your order. We ‘debit’ your card with the full price of your order after we have delivered your shopping to you. We reserve the right to terminate our agreement with you if we are refused authority for payment or reasonably believe that payment will be refused at any stage

Delivery will be made to the address specified by you during the order process on the website. You have the ability to change this address with each order through the website, and you must do so if you move home so that we can deliver to the correct address. We reserve the right to restrict deliveries in certain areas, and this includes the right to eliminate certain areas from our delivery schedule altogether.

Products are subject to availability and prevailing market conditions. We may limit the quantities of goods (particularly goods on special offer) supplied to any one customer if in our opinion the quantity ordered jeopardises availability for other customers

We will always try to supply you with the full quantity that you have ordered. If you are not satisfied with the quantity you have received we will arrange with you for non-perishable goods to be returned to us (please note that the goods must not be used and must be in good condition). In the event that the goods delivered to you are incomplete or include incorrect goods, you must notify us promptly. You will not be charged for any incorrect goods or goods which you have not received. In any event, subject to clause below, our liability will be limited to the price of the goods not delivered or incorrectly delivered and the cost of delivery

Warranty & Liability
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will restrict our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, breach of contract or breach of statutory duty, nor will any of these terms restrict any of your statutory rights

We will not be deemed to be in breach of contract or of these Terms and Conditions as a result of any delay in our performance or failure to perform our obligations if that delay or failure to perform is due to any cause or circumstance beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, fire, flood and other acts of God, strikes, riot, accident, disruption to energy supplies, civil commotion, acts of terrorism or war, breakdown of equipment, road traffic problems
Other than as set out in our maximum liability arising out of any order for the supply of goods to you under this contract will be limited to the retail price of the goods contained in that order

By placing an order with us, you acknowledge that some of our prices exceed the Maximum Retail Price (MRP). We want to provide you with insight into the reasons behind this pricing structure:

Unavailability and Limited Availability: Certain units might be temporarily unavailable or have limited availability due to their unique characteristics.

Low Margins and Rarity: Many of our products have narrow profit margins due to their specialized nature. This necessitates adjusting prices to ensure our ongoing operations.

Sourcing Challenges: Products like Chatmola, Aam Pachan are sourced from different cities, leading to additional transportation costs.

Packaging Excellence: Our commitment to quality demands meticulous packaging for food products during shipping. This incurs costs for boxes, tape, and courier-based weight charges.

Website Maintenance and Payment Gateway Charges: Our investment in maintaining a seamless website experience requires a portion of each online payment for payment gateway charges.

Transparent Descriptions: Detailed product descriptions on our website enable you to make informed choices based on your preferences and budget.

Affordable Range: Our products range from INR 15 to INR 3599, ensuring affordability and catering to diverse preferences.

We assure you that these costs are essential to deliver quality products and a seamless shopping experience. While it’s challenging to itemize every individual cost, we integrate these factors into the overall product price.